


12 – 15 SEPTEMBER 2021


Please note the separate Zoom links for the different sessions. Please ensure you download Zoom to get the best experience from the Conference. Please check the timings against your own time zone.

BST (British Summer Time); CAT (Central African Time); EDT (Eastern Daylight Time); EAT (Eastern Africa Time); IST (India Standard Time); MYT (Malaysian Time); AEST (Australia Eastern Standard Time); NZDT (New Zealand Daylight Time); WAT (West African Time) Timings may vary – https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html

Sunday 12th September 2021

Virtual Meeting of Chief Justices

11.00 -13.00 (British Summer Time)

(by invitation only)

hosted by the Rt Hon. The Lord Burnett,

Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales (by invitation only)

Gender Section Meeting

13.00-15.00 (BST); 08.00-10.00 (EDT);15.00-17.00 (EAT); 17.30-19.30 (IST);

22.00-24.00 (AEST); 00.00-02.00 (NZDT)

Zoom Link: Click here Meeting ID: 885 5453 8512

Passcode: 788489

Speaker: Prof Peter Jaffe, Director Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children, Canada

Chair: Justice Lynne Leitch, CMJA Gender Section Chairperson, Canada

Monday 13th September 2021

Session 1:

Introduction To the Conference And CMJA

0815-0830 (BST); 03.15-03.30 (EDT); 09.15-0930 (EAT); 12.45-13.00 (IST); 17.00-17.15 (AEST); 20.15-20.30 (NZDT)

Zoom Link: Click Here Meeting ID: 880 7656 7024

Passcode: 253233

(the same link will be used for the following sessions: Session 1, Opening, Keynote Address, Session 2)

Judge Shamim Qureshi, Director of Programmes
Chief Magistrate Matankiso Nthunya, CMJA Council Member

Opening Ceremony:

08.30-09.00 (BST); 03.30-04.00 (EDT); 09.30-10.00 (EAT); 13.00-13.30 (IST); 17.15-17.45 (AEST); 20.30-21.00 (NZDT)

His Hon. Justice Charles Mkandawire, CMJA President

Keynote Address:

Her Excellency Paula Mae Weekes,

President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago,

Chair: Lord Justice James Dingemans, England and Wales


(please ensure you have your camera on for the photo)

Session 2:

Panel Session:

The Efficient Disposal of Cases after COVID 19

09.00-10.30 (BST); 04.00-05.30 (EDT), 10.00-11.00 (EAT), 13.30-15.00 (IST), 18.00-19.30 (AEST); 21-00-22.30 (NZDT)

Speaker 1: The Hon. Justice Jones Dotse, Ghana

Speaker 2: The Rt Hon. The Lord Burnett, Lord Chief Justice, England and Wales

Speaker 3: The Hon. Justice John Logan, Australia

Speaker 4: Her Hon. Justice Awa Bah, Gambia

Chair: Hon. Chief Justice Janice Pereira, Eastern Caribbean

Open Discussion Forum for all Pacific Region Delegates


Chair: Judge Mary Beth Sharpe, Regional Vice President

Zoom Link: Click Here Meeting ID: 884 0987 2408

Passcode: 869856


Session 3: Panel Session:

Access To Virtual Legal Systems”

13.00-14.30 (BST), 08.00-09.30 (EDT), 15.00-16.30 (EAT); 17.30-19.00 (IST)
22.00-23.30 (AEST); 01.00-02.30 (NZDT

Zoom Link: Click Here Meeting ID: 883 8460 7015

Passcode: 931222

Speaker 1: The Hon. Justice Ambeng Kandakasi, Papua New Guinea

Speaker 2: Justice Jacqueline Kamau, Kenya

Speaker 3: Justice Bernard McCloskey, Northern Ireland

Chair: Justice Winston Patterson, Guyana

Open Discussion Forum for all Indian Ocean Region Delegates


Chair: Justice B. Rajendran, Regional Vice President

Zoom Link:Click Here Meeting ID: 850 6637 7055

Passcode: 230003


Session 4: Panel Session:

Problems With Remote Hearings”

18.00-19.30 (BST); 13.00-14.30 (EDT); 20.00-21.00 (EAT); 22.30-0.00 (IST);

03.00-04.00 (AEST); 06.00-07.00 (NZDT)

Zoom Link: Click Here Meeting ID: 821 1234 5383

Passcode: 341999

Speaker 1: Chief Magistrate Matankiso Nthunya, Lesotho

Speaker 2: Chief Judge Chester Crooks, Jamaica

Speaker 3: Sheriff Donald Corke, Scotland

Chair: Justice John Logan, Australia

Open Discussion Forum for all Caribbean Region Delegates

19.35- 20.15 (BST)

Chair: Justice Winston Patterson

Zoom Link: Click Here Meeting ID: 830 6817 4075

Passcode: 215345

Tuesday 14th September 2021

Session 5: Panel Session:

Digital Footprints”

09.00-10.30 (BST); 04.00-05.30 (EDT), 10.00-11.00 (EAT), 13.30-15.00 (IST),

18.00-19.30 (AEST); 21-00-22.30 (NZDT)

Zoom Link: Click Here Meeting ID: 830 4298 1974

Passcode: 934720

Speaker 1: Dr John Carey, Papua New Guinea

Speaker 2: Judge Barry Clarke, President of Employment Tribunals, England and Wales

Chair: Justice Sophia Wambura, Tanzania

Open Discussion Forum for all West Africa Region Delegates


Chair: Justice Constant Hometowu, Regional Vice President

Zoom Link: Click Here Meeting ID: 853 2565 8689

Passcode: 496443


Session 6 A Concurrent Panel Session:

Creation Of Gender-Based Violence Courts ”

13.00-14.30 (BST), 08.00-09.30 (EDT), 15.00-16.30 (EAT); 17.30-19.00 (IST)
22.00-23.30 (AEST); 01.00-02.30 (NZDT)

Zoom Link: Click Here

Meeting ID: 830 7009 7303

Passcode: 575454

Session 6 B: Concurrent Panel Session:

Replacing Judges with AI in the Courts?

13.00-14.30 (BST), 08.00-09.30 (EDT), 15.00-16.30 (EAT); 17.30-19.00 (IST)
22.00-23.30 (AEST); 01.00-02.30 (NZDT)

Zoom Link: Click Here

Meeting ID: 822 6756 0914

Passcode: 937934

Speaker 1: Judge Rehmat Ali, Pakistan

Speaker 2: Mrs. Goabaone Alice Rammapudi-Lesedi, Botswana

Speaker 3: Mrs Linda Bradford-Morgan, Australia
Chair: His Hon. Chief Justice Hassan Jallow, The Gambia

Speaker 1: Prof. Karen Yeung, England and Wales

Speaker 2: Prof Tania Sourdin, Australia

Chair: Justice Graeme Mew, Canada

Open Discussion Forum for all East Central and Southern Africa Region Delegates

14.35 -15.15

Chair: Justice Patrick Kiage, Regional Vice President

Zoom Link: Click Here Meeting ID: 822 2239 5104

Passcode: 472931


Session 7A: Concurrent Panel Session:

Environmental Pollution Litigation And Human Rights

18.00-19.30 (BST); 13.00-14.30 (EDT); 20.00-21.00 (EAT); 22.30-0.00 (IST);

03.00-04.00 (AEST); 06.00-07.00 (NZDT)

Zoom Link: Click Here

Meeting ID: 872 1368 3645

Passcode: 619532

Session 7 B: Concurrent Panel Session:

Business, Human Rights and the Commercial Courts

18.00-19.30 (BST); 13.00-14.30 (EDT); 20.00-21.00 (EAT); 22.30-0.00 (IST);

03.00-04.00 (AEST); 06.00-07.00 (NZDT)

Zoom Link: Click Here
Meeting ID: 861 2657 1830

Passcode: 834241

Speaker 1: Justice Emmanuel Ugirashebuja, Rwanda

Speaker 2: Judge Sailesh Mehta, England and Wales

Chair: Justice Folashade Oluwatoyin Agudo-Taiwo, Nigeria

Speaker 1: Hon. Chief Justice Brian Moree, Bahamas

Speaker 2: Hon. Chief Justice Faustin Ntezilyayo, Rwanda
Speaker 3: Mrs Justice Bobbie Cheema-Grubb, England and Wales

Speaker 4: Hon. Elizabeth Tanui, Kenya

Chair: Mr Justice Robin Knowles, England and Wales

Open Discussion Forum for all Atlantic and Mediterranean Region Delegates

19.35-20.15 (BST)

Chair: Mrs Justice Lynne Leitch, Regional Vice President

Zoom Link: Click Here Meeting ID: 885 5446 5103

Passcode: 145199

Wednesday 15th September 2021

Specialist Meeting A:

Criminal Sentencing Guidelines

09.00-10.30 (BST); 04.00-05.30 (EDT), 10.00-11.00 (EAT), 13.30-15.00 (IST), 18.00-19.30 (AEST); 21-00-22.30 (NZDT

Zoom Link: Click Here

Meeting ID: 885 3389 7532

Passcode: 812454

Specialist Meeting B:

Hague Convention Issues in Family Law

09.00-10.30 (BST); 04.00-05.30 (EDT), 10.00-11.00 (EAT), 13.30-15.00 (IST), 18.00-19.30 (AEST); 21-00-22.30 (NZDT

Zoom Link: Click Here

Meeting ID: 819 2531 5389

Passcode: 382816

Specialist Meeting C:

Ensuring Fair Court Procedures For Commonwealth Militaries: A Collective Responsibility

09.00-10.30 (BST); 04.00-05.30 (EDT), 10.00-11.00 (EAT), 13.30-15.00 (IST), 18.00-19.30 (AEST); 21-00-22.30 (NZDT)

Zoom Link: Click Here

Meeting ID: 835 8212 5553

Passcode: 368666


Justice William Young, New Zealand

Justice Elizabeth Musoke, Uganda


Chief Justice Martha Koome, Kenya


Chair: Judge Advocate General Alan Large, England and Wales,

Speaker 1: Brigadier General Moses Gyekye Asante, Ghana

Speaker 2: Justice Choo Han Teck, Singapore


Session 9: Panel Session:

Judicial Wellness For The Restless”

13.00-14.30 (BST), 08.00-09.30 (EDT), 15.00-16.30 (EAT); 17.30-19.00 (IST)
22.00-23.30 (AEST); 01.00-02.30 (NZDT)

Zoom Link: Click Here Meeting ID: 816 1386 4055

Passcode: 569024

(please use the same link for Closing Ceremony)

Speaker 1: Judge Kaly Kaul, England and Wales

Speaker 2: Dr Diane Douglas, Trinidad and Tobago

Chair: His Worship Godfrey Kaweesa, Uganda

Closing Ceremony

14.00-14.45 (BST), 09.30-09.45 (EDT), 16.30-16.45 (EAT); 19.30-19.45 (IST)
23.30-23.45 (AEST); 02.30-02.45 (NZDT)

His Hon. Justice Charles Mkandawire, CMJA President

Judge Shamim Qureshi, CMJA Director of Programmes